I was reading about camera throwing. The art of setting the timer on your camera and then throwing into the air to see what you get. I'm a chicken. There's no way I'm throwing my camera into the air. I don't have a really nice camera to begin with but it's all I got. However, I did drive around town and whenever I stopped the car at a light or a stop sign I would randomly hold my camera out of the window and snap the shutter just to see what turns out. It was pretty fun. I'm sure some people gave me a few stares. Here's one of the shots I had today. I had some ones liked better but I think I might use them for the off-centered subject challenge on DPC. Sorry, no previews. My challenges lately have been on the crappy side. I know it. I don't know why I enter stuff I know won't rate high. I guess I like some sort of self torture. Oh well. My wife says it's because I try to hard. The photos that come out nice are usually ones that I come up with on those days where I can spend more time relaxing and not getting caught up in my work. Yes, I'm a work a holic. The secret is out. Time to take some more meds. Still not feeling quite well. Maybe I should just take a day off and get some rest.